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2025年01月23日 星期四 
No tender available

Notice of Contract Awards


Awarded amount

Awarded date

“Service of Security for Macao Science Center 2022 to 2024” 
G4S Secure Solutions (Macau) Limited.MOP17,202,006.002021/11/16
“Service of Cleaning for Macao Science Center 2022 to 2024” 
NK Facility Services LimitedMOP11,963,100.002021/11/16

Procurement and Installation of LED video wall for Convention Hall at Macao Science Center 

Artigos Electricos Chi FuMOP1,042,840.002021/07/06

“Lum Sum Works of Repairing the Macau Science Center Seawall” 

ZHEN HWA HARBOUR-NAM FONG-AD&C JVMOP49,957,178.002019/03/19 

“Lum Sum Works of Improvement Design and Installation for the external cladding panel of Macau Science Center”  (PA-18-155)




Supplier Registration

We cordially invite all potential suppliers who are interested in below projects to complete registration by filling up the Supplier Registration Form and submit with valid certification issued by the Commercial Registry Office or valid commercial registration document either by hand to the Macao Science Center Ltd office or by email to tender@msc.org.mo.

Procurement projects

Category 1:

a. Construction project

b. Assets and commodities including: exhibition equipment, gallery appliances, educational and recreational appliances, promotional goods, vehicles, mechanical facilities, office equipment, office furniture, apparel, computer network, hardware and software facilities, communication equipment, etc.

c. Services including: network management, exhibition design, marketing, rental of fixed assets, research, consultation and other professional services, maintenance of gallery facilities, technical training, etc.

Category 2:

a. Office daily supply including: stationery, consumable, reference books and journals, fuel, water, electricity, telephone system, food & beverage, medication, souvenir and trophy, office greenery, etc.

b. Office daily services including: staff medical scheme, security, cleaning, moving and transportation, insurance, maintenance of office equipment, vehicle maintenance and repairs, communication, public relation and entertainment, etc.

Any complaints concerning the procurement process, tender/quotation result, or company registration process can be addressed to the president of the board at Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center.

Tender Application for Registered Company

For Company already registered to related category in MSCL, please email us to
1. indicate the Tender Name or Tender Number (e.g. MSC_TEN_20XX_00X_XX) and
2. the Company register number at MSCL
at tender@msc.org.mo for tender application. If the company is qualified for tendering, we will send the Tender Download information to the company through email.

Follow us:
Address:Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center│Email:info@msc.org.mo
Tel:+853 2888 0822│Fax:+853 2888 0855
Copyright © 2007-2025 Macao Science Center Limited. All rights reserved.