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2025年01月23日 星期四 
Latest Demonstration Program
  • Molecular Kitchen

    Welcome to the MSC Molecular Kitchen! We take advantage of chemistry and physics to cook different dishes. Are you ready for some unique molecular cuisine?

    It is truly surprising that the molecular gastronomy could change a food’s physical form while retaining its original taste!

    When you are tired of “drinking” milk, come here to try “eating” it, which is liquid milk transforming into smooth spaghetti. We also serve “caviar” made from tomato soup. Making a “solid” food out of its liquid equivalent sounds like a good idea!

    The MSC Molecular Kitchen gives you a chance to cook and eat such amazing foods!

    * Reservation is required.

  • Magical Bubbles

    Do you know why bubbles are colorful and round-shaped? Bubble is a kind of film with air trapped inside. When we blow air into a tube filled with a bubble mix it will be wrapped up by a thin film to create a bubble. Can bubbles come in other shapes besides just round? Can bubbles contain anything but air?


    Come and visit MSC! Let us show you how to create bubbles in various shapes that contain other gases!

  • Demonstration: Optics


    Why can sunshine create rainbows?
    Why does a stall selling eggs or watermelons hang a red lamp?
    Why do white clothes look bright and black ones look dark?

    Find the answers at our demonstration!

    You’ll learn about the effects of different color combinations via our device that mixes the three primary colors with the same proportion. Waving a flickering white ball, you’ll notice that the white light from the ball is just an illusion. In addition, we will light up a tube in a way that you can’t imagine.

    Come to the No.5 gallery to discover the secrets of colored light!

  • Demonstration: Sounds

    There are the sounds of frogs, chickens, trains and so many other sounds in the world. How interesting!


    Do you know where sound comes from? What are the features and functions of sound? Why can we hear sound?

    We seldom notice the characteristics and the source of a sound. If you pay attention to it, you will hear that a sound can be long or short. Isn’t it interesting? There is the principle of vibration. Objects have different sounds. Besides hearing it, we can literally see a sound when it is transmitting and even touch it. The “Sound World” demonstration will allow you to not only hear but also physically feel a sound. Come and join our new program!

  • Demonstration: Fire Whirl

    Fire whirl is a natural phenomenon. When there is intense burning and the hot air is rising with additional air coming in from all directions, there will be a fast rising vortex at the center of the flame, in which case fire whirl is formed under such revolving and raising forces. Come and see our DIY fire whirl, which has a different color from that of ordinary fire.

  • Demonstration: Static Electricity

    You must be familiar with static electricity, which is produced by the friction between two objects and is more common in drier seasons like autumn and winter. Why does it give us a feeling of electric shock? How to let it raise your hair? Come to the No.5 gallery (G05) for the demonstration.

  • Liquid Nitrogen

    What is, by volume, the biggest gas we inhale when we breathe? Yes, you guessed, it is nitrogen, which plays an essential role in nature. At atmospheric pressure, nitrogen at very low temperature (-196ºC) is in liquid form, in which case it has many interesting properties. During the demonstration, you’ll learn about the characteristics of liquid nitrogen and witness how it acts as a coolant to produce superconductors, which creates suspension due to diamagnetism.

  • Science on a Sphere

    Venue: G01 - Space Science Gallery
    Science On a Sphere (S.O.S) is here at the Space Science Gallery!
    From now on, the S.O.S will on a daily basis* bring our visitors to explore the ecosystems in the world.
    Don’t miss the chance to enjoy this beautiful planet!

Past Demonstration Program
  • • Recycled Paper Workshop
    • Recycled Paper Workshop

      We produce different kinds of waste paper. How do you handle it? Send them to the recycling bin or just throw away? Actually we could well reuse them by ourselves!


      The Recycled Paper Workshop is held on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, offering tips on reusing paper from notes, newspapers, books or magazines. Parents and children together are especially welcomed, and we will provide you with the materials for making recycled papers. Let’s cherish our resources, work together to reduce waste and also inspire our next generation to protect the environment.

  • • Demonstration: Nanotechnology
    • Demonstration: Nanotechnology

      What is nanometer, a name often seen in daily life? How about nanotechnology?


      Nanometer is a unit of length that equals to one billionth of a meter (1nm = 10“m). Nanotechnology is about manipulating/modifying materials, components or structures on a nanometer level to bring about physical, chemical and biological changes, in order to improve the functions of various products. The technology has been extensively used in materials, electronics, the biochemical and the energy industries, to name but a few. Scientists believe that nanotechnology will lead to an industrial revolution of the 21st century.


      This new demonstration will explore the nano-structures existed in animals and plants and their applications in our daily life. Why are the wings of the butterfly colorful? Why are the droplets of water round-shaped when they are on a lotus leaf? The demonstration will give you the answers, and also such other examples as nano facial tissue, nano clothes and mobile phones’ nano coating.


      We will also discuss nano-photocatalyst. A photocatalyst is a material that induces a chemical reaction after it absorbs the energy of light. How to use light to purify the environment? How could we eliminate air pollution? Find an answer at our demonstration.

  • • Demonstration: Food Science
    • Demonstration: Food Science

      In addition to being eaten to maintain our body functions, foods can be used as paint to make your works tasteful!


      This demonstration will guide you on selecting healthy foods and explain their nutritional value, but also introduce acid-base reaction, decomposition reaction, sodium bicarbonate and amylase. These terms may seem unfamiliar, but they are closely related to our daily life.


      We will also experiment with foods. Why does white rice change color when it comes into contact with iodine? Why does the test paper made from purple cabbage juice change to red when it dips into acid liquid? What is the relation between them? We’ll also teach you some experiments relating to food science, which you can try at home.

  • • Demonstration: Magic
    • Demonstration: Magic

      Can you believe that you could light up a bulb or a tube barehanded without the use of electricity? How about picking up dry sands in water? This magical demonstration allows you to accomplish all those. You’ll also learn about the properties of electricity, light bulb and water as well as their relations. Don’t miss the chance to play our magic, which will also inspire you about some interesting scientific principles.

  • • Demonstration: Super Microwave Oven
    • Demonstration: Super Microwave Oven

      Have you ever imagined that a microwave oven could be experimented in some unexpected ways? Find the answer at the Science Express Gallery (G05). How about putting a light bulb or a candle into the microwave oven? Why are there different results when we heat up water, oil or ice in it? What can’t be put in it? Is there any precaution for use? At the demonstration, we will do something that is strictly forbidden at home.


      Warning: This demonstration is dangerous. Do NOT try it at home!

  • • Interesting Mathematics
    • Interesting Mathematics

      Many students feel that mathematics is difficult or boring, and are even afraid of trying it. Actually, math can be creatively interesting, such as the popular “Sudoku” game. The “Interesting Mathematics” demonstration, including the Interactive Magic Square and the Rapid Calculation, at the Science Express Gallery (G05) will probably make you love math.


      Interactive Magic Square: A magic square is a n x n square grid (where n is the number of cells on each side) filled with distinct positive integers in the range 1, 2, …, n2, such that each cell contains a different integer and the sum of the integers in each row, column and diagonal is equal. In the demonstration, we not only brief about the history and the structure of a magic square, but also offer an unconventional method that allows you to choose any number and any sum to form a square.


      Rapid Calculation: Have fun in getting the skills of multiplication and have a competition on the spot.

  • • A Journey in the Digestive System
    • A Journey in the Digestive System

      Foods give us energy, which makes us grow and keeps us healthy. How do foods metabolize in our bodies? How much processing do foods go through before they are absorbed? “A Journey in the Digestive System” will answer those questions in an interesting way. All the foods we eat will pass through our mouth, gullet and other digestive organs before being excreted, which could produce unpleasant odor if they are not properly digested. Don’t be disgusted. That is the physiological process in our bodies every day.


      The demonstration allows you to learn about our digestive system and how foods travel in our circulatory system to the tissues and the organs for storage and usage.

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