Local weather:
2025年02月12日 星期三 
Visitor Information

All who access any ofthe Macao Science Center (MSC) facilities, should be notified and abide by theterms listed in the Visitor Guidelines below:


MSC is open daily from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (tickets will be sold until 5:30pm), and closed every Thursday (if not a Public Holiday) and on Lunar NewYear’s Eve.

Visitors shall refer to the related notice in the restaurant in MSC for its opening hours.
No food or drinks are allowed in MSC facilities except in the restaurant inside MSC.
Visitors must present valid tickets for the intended visiting areas for entryunless special permission is granted by MSC authority.
Operable exhibits should be used according to the instructions displayed orprovided by MSC staff.
The emergency exits should only be used when accident arises or in emergency situations.
Shall an emergency or accident arise, please follow the instructions of MSC staffs to evacuate from MSC facilities.
MSC staff will contact the police to handle any illegal activities arisen in MSC.
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of MSC. Violators will be invited to leave MSC.
Visitors no properly dressed; carrying with pets or hazardous objects are not allowed into MSC.
MSC staff possesses all rights to escort visitors out of MSC if the visitors exhibit abnormal or disturbing behaviour.
Visitors shall keep the facilities clean.
Visitors shall not carry large objects and luggage into the Exhibition Center and Planetarium. Please deposit such objects in dedicated storage area (cloakroom) for temporary storage.
Visitors shall pay close attention to their personal belongings. MSC and its staff will not be responsible for any lost items in any extent.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by adults to access any MSC facilities.
Running, chasing and climbing in any general facilities are forbidden.
Visitors shall take good care of MSC public properties. Do not damage or spray on any facilities. MSC possesses all rights to claim for the damages made by visitors according to the costs involved and an additional charge of 10 percentfor administrative expenses.
Visitors should not relocate any exhibits or facilities from their original locations.
In case of feeling unwell or encountering an accident or an emergency situation, visitors should seek help from any MSC staff immediately.
Visitors should follow the instructions or advices from MSC staff.
Should visitors need to access places other than the public area, registrationat the security room to obtain a visitor pass is required. The pass should bevisibly shown at all times during the visit after being escorted by the MSC staff into the area.
The Science Center Reserved Car Park is for MSC staff and those with special permissions.
Unless with written permission from MSC, all sales and promotional activities,or any promotional posters or flyers distributions or posting are prohibited inany MSC area.
On-site photograph taking and filming can only be conducted following instructions from MSC staff as appropriate. No commercial shooting is allowed without prior approval from MSC.
MSC reserves all rights to close the facilities depending on the real situationor for safety reasons should Tropical Cyclone Signal No.3 or above be hoisted.
MSC reserves all rights to close the facilities for emergency reasons or safety and other reasons.
Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) systems are installed in MSC, for a 24-hour video recording in multiple locations.
Please be notified and conform to the guidelines listed above. MSC staff reserve all rights to reject any visitors’ access to MSC premises if refusing to do so.
Follow us:
Address:Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, Macao Science Center│Email:info@msc.org.mo
Tel:+853 2888 0822│Fax:+853 2888 0855
Copyright © 2007-2025 Macao Science Center Limited. All rights reserved.