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2025年02月12日 星期三 
Science Drama
Past Performance Review
“The Rocket Trilogy Chapter 1 – Rocket Meets Airplane”

During the mid 20th century, Robert H. Goddard, the “father of rocket”, was captured by the German army and was forced to help in the development of military weapons. However, it happened that he encountered a time machine which led him to meet the Wright Brothers and Newton. How will these events affect his study in rocket?


During the First World War, Goddard and his best friend were captured by the German army and were brought to a secret mechanical workshop, they found a machine named “Time Monster”, his friend knew Goddard would like to meet his idol the Wright brothers, so he input 1-9-0-3 into the time machine, and travelled back to the year 1903.


Goddard found the Time Monster was working, so he would like to travel back to the time of Newton.


At that time, many people thought that Goddard’s concept about pushing rocket forward by the reaction force under Newton’s Third Law was wrong. As there isn’t any air within vacuum, so people thought that the Law could not be applied to vacuum. Therefore, he would like to meet and ask Newton.


In the end, when both of them come back to the reality, they quickly gather all the information and publish the book “A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes”. The book was used by the U.S. army to create different kinds of rockets.


Performances in Cantonese

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