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2024年12月31日 星期二 
Past Dome Shows
The Great Undersea adventure of Barney and Beenie
Duration:27 minutes

Barney the submarine and his buddy Bee strive to preserve the ecological environment of the atoll lagoon, where they embark on a series of adventures, surfacing to learn about the constellations of the night sky and rescuing A Chong, a small turtle stuck in a plastic net. 

The film is lively, educational and entertaining, illustrating relevant scientific knowledge, engaging and enhancing children's interest in astronomy and understanding the significance of environmental protection.

Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin and English

Leaflet Download

Available on 8th August 2022


• Official Selection, Fulldome Festival Brno, Czech Republic, 2021

• Official Selection, Minsk International Fulldome Festival, Belarus 2021

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